Knowledge Areas
Mine Surveyor (Technologist)
Mathematics and Applied Mathematics
Differential and integral calculus of functions of one variable, differential equations, partial derivatives, Taylor\nseries, mean value theorem, solving systems of linear and non-linear equations, trigonometric functions, hyperbolic functions, conic sections, complex numbers, vector geometry, matrix algebra, space curves and surfaces, intersection of lines/planes, distance from points to lines/planes. Basic statistics, including sets, probability, permutations and combinationsmean, standard deviation and normal distribution. Euclidean and analytical geometry, trigonometric identities, laws of sines and cosines, proportion, co-ordinate systems, areas and volumes.
Newton's laws of motion, work, energy, power, rotational dynamics, torque, angular momentum, gravitation, periodic motion, simple harmonic motion, interference, wave motion, diffraction, refraction and reflection of waves, Doppler effect, electric charge and field, electric potential, capacitance, resistance, electric current, electromagnetic induction, magnetic field, electromagnetic spectrum, Optics
Basic Surveying and Engineering Surveying
Measurement science, distance measurement (optical, mechanical and electro-optical), angular measurement, measuring equipment (distance and angular, including sources and management of instrument errors, calibration and expected precision), spatial reference systems, distance and direction from coordinates, position determination using observed angles/directions, distances, or combinations of these, and Satellite Navigation Systems, setting out of pre-determined positions, heighting, areas, volumes, interpretation of maps/plans, design and setting out of horizontal and vertical curves, cross and longitudinal sections, cut and fill calculations, preparation of maps/plans,\n2-D coordinate transformations, control surveys, topographic surveys. Inertial navigation systems.
Information Technology
Introduction to computer hardware, operating systems, word processing, spreadsheets, internet, software development (scientific/engineering) in a current programming language, systems development (including systems analysis and design), databases and database management systems, use of information technology in surveying, 2-D CAD, security of systems and information. Spreadsheet design and formatting
Geo-spatial Information Science
Nature of geo-spatial information, geo-spatial information in planning and decision-making, components of a GIS, data acquisition and manipulation, data structures (including vector, raster, hybrid), data modelling, geo-spatial databases and DBMS, applications of geo-spatial data using spatial analysis, spatial modelling and spatial statistics, visualisation and representation of geo-spatial information (including digital cartography).
Coordinate Systems and Map Projections
Two- and three-dimensional coordinate systems, grid reference systems, shape of the Earth, mathematical representations of the Earth, (including reference ellipsoids) geographical coordinates, different types of map projections, Including mathematical modles and projection properties) projectionâto-projection transformations, reference datums and common ellipsoids, SA Survey co-ordinate system and UTM system.
Adjustments, Error Theory and Statistics
The nature of observations and data acquisition, types of errors, means, norms ,accuracy, precision, reliability, probability, confidence intervals, distributions and probability density functions, auto- and cross-correlation, hypothesis testing, least squares theory, simple and multiple regression, distribution functions, law of error propagation, least squares adjustments of survey observations( paramatric and condition equation case), network adjustment (including free networks), adjustment of coordinate transformations, design of survey networks, statistical analysis of results and interpretation of data.
Business and Project Management
Management functions (planning, controlling, organising, decision-making), human resource management, financial management and management accounting, marketing and client relations, labour legislation, taxation, project planning, costing, resource allocation, project control and reporting, business communication, report writing, contract law. Risk mangement and Health and Safety management
Professional Practice
Professionalism, professional ethics, different types of professional practices, structuring a practice, client relationships,social responsibility;Registration and SA Council for Professional and Technical Surveyors (including legislation and rules), Petroleom and Mine Heath and Safety Act and regulations;Mining Lease and mineral rights law;Samrec and Samval codes.
Category Specific Research project
The research project must have a design and or analysis component and include reporting and presentation of final results
Precise Mine/Engineering Surveying
Shaft Surveying, Deformation surveying, Surface subsidence, deformation caused by mining activities, types of deformation, Specialised instrumentation (including sources of errors, calibration and expected precision); specialised instrumentation Design of precise control networks, monumentation, automated surveying equipment applications, network adjustments,
3D Modelling (Mine Planning and Practice)
Mining methods(underground,opencast,massive);Mine Planning ; Mine Ventilation constraints; mine design (layout and sequence)
Mineral Management
Mineral rights, law of the Certficate of Competency, land use systems and types,land use planning and control,\nenvironmental and physical influences, community dynamics, social impacts, integrated environmental management, environmental impact analysis, mining property valuation
Mine Valuation / Evaluation / Geostatistics
Sampling Theory, sampling procedures, sampling and assay errors, ore flow, pay limits, ore reserves, ore/metal accounting factors, financial mine planning, calssical statistics, non-spatial estimation techniques, data analysis, classical estimation methods, geostatistical estimation methods, oregenisis, structural geology, SAMREC code
Mining Geology
Mineralogy, petrology, physical geology, structural geology, historical geology, economic geology, prospecting methods, geological maps, chemistry
Rock Mechanics
Purpose of rock engineering, elastic theory, stresses and strains - compression, tension, shear, Young's Modulas,\nPoissons Ratio, strength of support materials - rock types etc, convergence, distribution of stress around openings, fracture around openings, effects of geology, factors governing rock behaviour, energy release rate, excess shear stress