Knowledge Areas

Engineering Surveyor (Technician)

Mathematics, Applied Mathematics and Statistics

algrebra;trigonometry;calculus;complex numbers;co ordinate geometry;analytic geometry;matrices;determinants differentation:partial differentation,series;integrated solutions of first order differential equations;numerical methods;statistics.

Total Credits: 36


Vectors; Kinematics-linear and angular; Dynamics-Newton’s laws and applications, sliding and rolling friction; Work, power, energy, impulse and momentum; Elasticity; Hydrostatics; Fluids dynamics; Heat and heat transfer; Laws of Thermodynamics; Waves; Electricity-forces, fields and current circuits; Light; Optics-application in instrumentation

Total Credits: 12


Theory and Principles of Surveying-Engineering Surveying; Maps-Plans; Units of measure; Coordinate systems; Basic survey instruments and their use and adjustments; traversing; tape surveying; levelling-cut and fill, gradients calculations; tacheometry; Solution of triangles;Area and Volume determination; survey computer applications; triangulation;resection;trilateration;satellite positioning;curves;advanced survey instuments and electronic data capture. Setting out of simple engineering structures

Total Credits: 54

Information Technology

Introduction to computers; Microsoft software packages; Drawing graphs;Introduction to CAD; Computer hardware;\ncomputer software; Communication skills

Total Credits: 18

Geo-spatial Information Science

Introduction to geospatial information systems;maps and types of maps;basic catographic design principles; visualisation;spacial interpolation

Total Credits: 18

Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing

Electro-magnetic energy in remote sensing, Earth satellite orbits, geometry of sensors and sensor systems (airborne, spaceborne and terrestrial), camera calibration, acquisition of images (including flight planning), image media and formats incl. image compression, principles of analogue and digital photography, Ground Control

Total Credits: 18

Coordinate Systems and Map Projections

2-D and 3-D coordinate systems; grid reference systems; shape of earth; different types of map projections; SA Survey coordinate system

Total Credits: 12

Adjustments and Error Theory

The nature of observations and data acquisition, types of errors, means, norms, accuracy, precision; Adjustment of a survey and levelling traverse

Total Credits: 12

Earth and Environmental Science

Total Credits: 12

Business and Project Management

Develop an ability to communucate effectivley within the built environment (writen communucation, spoken communication, communication in the workplace);office orgaisation and methods;contracts; theory of management

Total Credits: 6

Professional Practice and Ethics

Introduction to the Land Survey Act and Regulations; introduction to land ownership; professional ethics; Professional and Technical Surveyors Act and registration with PLATO.

Total Credits: 6

Category Specific Project/Research

Report-Portfolio of evidence demonstrating practical skills: Triangulation / GPS, Levelling, Traversing, Computer\nApplications, Cadastral Surveying, Topographical Surveying

Total Credits: 30

Cadastral Studies and Land Tenure

Total Credits: 6